31 Aug 2010

Astro Lancar Radio Bayu

Bermula 30 Ogos, Astro telah melakar sejarah dengan melancar saluran radio yang didedikasi khusus untuk pendengar-pendengar di Sabah. Saluran radio tersebut diberi nama Radio Bayu dan boleh diikuti di saluran Astro 869. Sebuah lagi saluran radio, Radio Kenyalang, khusus untuk pendengar Sarawak boleh diikuti melalui saluran Astro 870. Diharapkan selepas ini ada saluran khas TV pula...TV Bayukah :=).

Having checked the new channel yesterday. I guess there are some pros and cons. On the plus points we are served with non-stop songs of local Sabahan artistes. These include songs that are not suppose to be aired over RTM radio stations, such as "nah tusin pomoli do linutau" (hehe). Most of the songs played so far are from Skyline collection. No surprise as they are considered the biggest distributor and to the west Malaysian (as this case Astro) it's the only label emerge from Sabah. Now everytime a TV program is interrupted for commercial break I just switch over to this channel to check out what song is being played :=).

On the minus points, the channel is not terrestrial (maybe not as yet). It means limited access, less mobile and can only be listened through Astro satelite service (anywhere in Malaysia of course so long that you subscribe to the service). So far I hear nothing but non-stop pre-programmed music without any information. The announcer only appears briefly (5 secs) once like every 3,4 hours. Are we expecting to hear more local infos...like traffic report, news etc? I'm keeping my fingers cross...cos a radio station without intelligent info (not even basic info..like the name of the song, singer, the composer, which album the song taken from, etc) is like a PC without printer (read: useless!)

24 Aug 2010

Pelancaran Koposizon 2

Dan salah satu trek dalam MTV Karaoke ini ialah lagu berjudul Koginava'anku nyanyian Petrus Boyd Pensin..take a listen (versi dua minit sahajer)

Cahaya FM

... :=)

19 Aug 2010

Atama - Spend Time With Me

Check it out

TV interview turns into a hit tune.

This happened in the US...this guy expressed his anger at a rapist, who attempted to rape his younger sister, in a TV interview.

Some creative mind out there turned the interview (lyrics from every word he uttered) into a hip hop song...

The song was download like 30 million times on iTune and the guy above gets his share of royalty...THAT'S INCREDIBLE! :=)

Nunuk Ragang by Arahkiri

AMARAN! Jangan terlampau kasi kuat volume speaker kamurang...

18 Aug 2010

Lagu "Belikan Aku Coklat'

Belikan Aku Coklat - Jiaja

Kalau boleh coklat tu biarlah 'Choclate Keyboard' yang macam di bawah ni..sambil menaip sambil jilat-jilat jari..hehe

17 Aug 2010

Local vs Import

Mari kita dengar persembahan dua rapper dalam sebuah lagu yang sama, lagu "I Want You Back" oleh Episod..the fact is I'm so obsess with this song :=)

Local rapper (Johnny Black)

Import one (Shawnskin) :)

...dan pemenangnya ialah...eh silap kasi bertanding-tanding pula (punya jahat..hehe)

Anyway despite being so obsessed with this song (balik2 bah sya dengar), some lines do disturb me a little bit when the vocalist keep gasping/inhale in a word "ber( gasping) cinta:...."ber (gasping) ubah"..."ki (gasping) ta yang punya.." Macam aku pula mo tercungap-cungap dengar..:=)!!

12 Aug 2010

Down Memory Lane

Let's take a trip down memory lane...

Bukannya tidak berbangga dengan bakat-bakat lama ni, tapi lagu-lagu durang kebanyakannya lagu saduran...hmm

Frankie & The Countrymen - Noipi Ku Iziau Kosodop

Irene Thaddeus & The Mark Four - Kahandaman Doid Kampong

Malim Wugau & The Exceleretik Jesters - Sodop Minggu

Lagu-lagu dari kumpulan The Sumazau

11 Aug 2010

Nokuro 29 2010 Sneak Peek

Nokuro 29 akan melancarkan album terbaru mereka tidak lama lagi. Sebagai bayangan konsep dan juga lagu-lagu yang bakal dimuatkan dalam album tersebut, dijemput menyaksikan sneak peek berikut.

Nampak gaya rakaman dan material kali ini lebih mantap dari album pertama.

10 Aug 2010

Lagu "Puteri"

Seperti yang dijanjikan terimalah lagu baru berjudul Puteri dendangan kumpulan yang sedang meningkat naik The Buzzing Joker (wow what a name). Kumpulan ini dianggatoi oleh Ely selaku guitarist, Dul pemain drum, Bert pemain gitar bass manakala seorang lagi pemain guitar yang juga merangkap vokalis kumpulan ini ialah jejaka yang menamakan dirinya...Taring Patah...ya begitulah nama yang diberi kepada DJ..harap-harap bukan nama betul.

Puteri - Buzzing Joker

Sentimental dan mendayu-dayu sungguh lagu itu, tahap sentimental hampir-hampir setaraf lagu Eric Clapton "Wonderful Tonight" ;=)

Lagu "I Want You Back"

Yo! Ko..la..bo..rei..shon..yo!...Ko..la..bo..rei..shon (collaboration)!Oops terlebih pula. Let's take a listen to this song by the group Episod featuring Johny Blake of Kinabalu King. A song with English title but lyrics mostly in Malay.

Wow sounds great! Love it..

Maka wabak suara ala-ala T-Pain pun merebak dengan ganasnya ke lagu-lagu kita...nanti kita tanya profesor pakar sejarah muzik Sabah, lagu tempatan manakah yang mula-mula sekali menggunakan rakaman ala-ala suara T-Pain ni

Teka artis

Siapakah gerangan penyanyi yang bertopeng persis Bandi Amok ini? Topeng emas pula tu..

9 Aug 2010

Felix - Akulah Laki Laki

Single kedua beliau, dari album terbaru, selepas Aku Juga Iya

6 Aug 2010

Underneath Pokok Togop

Begitulah kali jodol single terbaru si Marsha nanti..."underneath pokok togop I will wait for you"

Macam pernah dengar juga kisah pokok togop ni :=)

5 Aug 2010

Lagu "Kilat"

Apa pun mari kita teruskan saja hiburan dengan lagu berjudul "Kilat" oleh kumpulan Donatello.


Klik sini untuk ke YouTube durang, kalau mo tinguk wajah-wajah durang yang kacak :=)

Juara Keynote 1

Musim pertama rancangan Keynote berakhir semalam sekaligus menobatkan peserta Mohd Farhan Izharruddin (Faan) sebagai juara.

Rancangan ini tidaklah sepopular rancangan-rancangan realiti yang lain padahal bagi saya konsep dan objektif program ini yang bertujuan melahirkan komposer-komposer muda harus diberi tepukan gemuruh (or probably people are so fed up with reality shows nowadays). Saya sendiripun termiss lebih kurang tiga minggu pertama...hehe, masa baru mo start follow up, si Aqasen yang dari Tambunan tu sudahpun tersingkir, tapi sempatlah juga ikuti lagu dia yang si Ayu nyanyi, itu pun di online. Maka tinggallah dua peserta dari Sabah, si khoo dan Nina, malangnya kedua-duanya kurang bernasib baik untuk musim kali ini (habis lagu-lagu durang pun macam inda best kan...oops...hehe). Tahniahlah kepada pemenang...masa konsert akhir tu secara peribadi saya suka lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh si Vince.

Pic kredit to mStar

Talking about reality show, satu lagi program yang saya rasa boleh dipertikaikan juga popularitinya di Malaysia ini ialah rancangan "Imam Muda". Ironiknya rancangan ini begitu mendapat liputan di luar negara terutama di German dan Switzerland (menerusi laporan AFPlah). Mungkin satu berita baik bagi Malaysia. Tapi kalau dilihat on the other side, it's like a westerner eagerly telling his people back home.."psst..guys you know what Malaysia has this reality show called Imam Muda, it trains young Malaysian muslim men to be the future muslim leader"...."OMG! really!? Is that mean M'sia is on its way to becoming extreme? Are they taught how to be a martyr? Is Bin Laden one of the critiques?"...."So far none of those, instead they perform the cleansing of corpse, preaching to those caught for adultery and counselling the unwed pregnant girls"..."good lord to hear that..I thought they're looking for the next Nordin Mat Top...so no need to press the panick button huh" :=)

...and the winner is

Aikk...macam warna kain baju....err..

3 Aug 2010

Lagu "Pok Silap"

Selamat klik dan selamat mendengar...

Pok Silap - Jass ft Jiaja

Adam Anak Merdeka

Korikot nodi bulan lapan (punya capat masa berlalu) dan sebut ja bulan lapan memang otomatik "Hari Merdeka" bermain di kepala. Tapi di Sabah ni masih memilih-milih antara no 53 atau 47 yang ngam. Cantum ja bah tu nombor...kan...5347 ataupun 4753 punya cantik tu sebagai inspirasi four digit :=)

Video klip lagu Jahat Stacy

Twin running

If you happened to watch the European Athletic Championship 2010 in Barcelona, shown live on Astro Channel 814(Eurosport) from 25 - 30th July, you must have seen the twin brothers (Jonathan and Kevin Borlee) from Belgium competing in the 400 meter event. This is the first time I watch a twin athlete running, it's fascinating, I just can't stop smiling...do they have to be that identical even while running...I mean langkah kaki kiri kanan sama...ayunan tangan pun sama (as seen at min 0:46 on this video - lane 3 and 6). At the end one of them emerged as the champion...probably the other one passed over his reserve stamina to the other..it's like combining one energy into one :=)

Lagu "Kueh Salah Bikin"

Ingatkan sudah upload ni lagu padahal lama sudah dalam koleksi, rupa-rupanya belum lagi..

Kueh Salah Bikin - Koboi