Kay was lucky because he gave a flower to PSC, but that didn't spare him from receiving negative feedback (hehe). Miza, was even pitty **apa ngko ingat aku mo puji ko walaupun dengan prop yang kengkonon feeling-feeling kreatif tu? Peeerah!Gugur!** LOL. Saya rasa lighting pentas pun kena ubah-ubah juga mengikut mood lagu. Macam lagu si Miza dan Aida, setting perlu digelapkan (dimmed) sikit untuk menimbulkan suasana lebih dramatik. Those yang buat commendable performances like Erul, Raqib (at least this guy sings in tune and sedap telinga mendengar) and Afif, lagilah kena tembak. Lena and Azri were two lucky bunch. I thought PSC will continue with her ego and negative rambling at Lena for turning the show into her own concert, but luckily PSC had programmed herself to like Lena (who wouldn't if she sings consistently good every week and last week was no exception). Azri was also in the same boat as Lena (although I don't quite fancy with this guy).
Let's talk about Nera. Undeniably she performed way better compared to past weeks. I guess the production team are aware of this, hence placing her last to perform (save the best for last). Norman and Hattan spoke with approval of Nera's commendable performance. But the short-circuit critic continued with her ego *LOL* siap demonstrating how to sing it correctly (puh..leeeease!). Ogy's dad, the late Ahmad Daud and another singer Zain Azman, were two Malaysian best crooners. One of them was named Malaysia's very own Frank Sinatra. No doubt the short circuit critic is very well-verse with this 'crooner-crooner' thingy! (hence her brief demo on how to sing Fly Me To The Moon...macam dialah bah saja kunun yang tahu pasal Frank Sinatra ni). But to compare a total amateur or novice with Frank Sinatra is like comparing...God knows what it is! Haven't she heard about improvisation...doing thing in your own way so that you won't be labeled as completely imitating the original? Besides, as female you can improvise it anyway you like to make it a female's version. But again only God knows the hidden agenda of Miss Short-Circuit who critisizes based on emotion and mood and not professional knowledge (full of jealousy..hatred...or what :=)).
The students were also asked whom they think should be dropped and who shouldn't. My answer is simple. Those who are not fresh to the reality TV scene (Azri, Afif, Erul) or those who sing better as if they are all set to record an album (Erul, Azri, Raqib, Afif ...and sorry to say Lena) should be dropped. These guys are already good, might as well they get themselves a good producer and cut an album. Those who are considered weak (Nera, Miza, Aida should stay and be given the chance to improve themselves). It's gonna be a challenge for tenaga pengajar to groom those weak students and transform them from zero to hero...isn't that what AF is all about?
Salam bro,
Kali ini saya banyak setuju dengan komen sdra, especially fasal si Ogy tu. As for lena, like you mentioned, she is consistently good. Beside that, peratusan Afundi after the closing of the last concert pun top. Up to date pun maseh lagi top. I guess like Stacy, the Malaysian decided to like and go for her. Kecuali barangkali dia blow the next concert.
Fasal Nera pula, saya rasa lega dan proud. She did it right this time..For that, dia selamat dari keguguran (bahasa Ogy).. Tahniah!! Dan Dengan support Afundi kita semua, saya pasti Nera dan lena akan kefinal.. Pelajar yang satu tu, si fina maseh belum tantu nasib nya. Banyak lagi rintingan yang dia akan lalui. Apa lagi kalau lagu tugasan bukan makanan dia..
At last last but not least ‘Sabah Boleh Bah’
c ogy tu mo kana baling bosou bah...sa x tahan gaya da ni..asal da yg komen ..sa ks mute n julingkan mata spya sa x nmpak muka da tarang2...btul la da tu PSC..haha
yess 100% se7 sma ko dBos..seram sejuk ni lihat@dngar ogy tu mkritik..sampai hmpir2 mau bgaduh sma Hattan.mcm kritikn dia jak betul..haha..aduiinaa..nasib bek Hattan cool;p
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