KDM people are not defeatists – Maijol
Posted on June 29, 2011, Wednesday
KOTA MARUDU: Local KadazanDusun song “Saya anak kampung” by Jimmy Palikat is the current chart topping song.
It is hugely popular in the karaoke lounges and the melody even used as ring tones and it can be heard being sung or hummed in public.
The lyrics of the song make one smile but the wordings are a bit worrying since the individual referred to in the song is portrayed as a defeatist and has resigned to the fact that he was poor.
This did not portray the real spirit of the KadazanDusun Murut (KDM) community who are actually resilient and not defeatists, said Senator Datuk Maijol Mahap.
Maijol was officiating Kampung Samparita’s harvest festival celebration here recently and stressed that having the attitude of the individual portrayed in the song would not help the community to move ahead and improve.
“We must not have the attitude portrayed in the famous local song ‘Saya Anak Kampung’. The song is nice to hear, I like it too. I like the beat, I notice many young people like to sing it.
“I congratulate Jimmy Palikat for that entertaining song. However, if you listen to the lyrics of the song, it does not have any motivational element in it. In brief, it says, ‘I am a poor child. I don’t have anything to give to you (girlfriend). I can’t pay for the dowry. I don’t have a house. So, you (girlfriend) don’t stick to me. I love you but I am really to give up on you and release you to somebody else”.
“I hope it doesn’t reflect the character of the young people of the Kadazandusun and Murut. Having the character of those portrayed in the song is not good. Instead, we must work hard to improve ourselves and not to give up easily. We also cannot look at the negatives of ourself, but to work harder to put up more postive elements in our lives.”
The United Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut (UPKO) vice president pointed out that the government has introduced a holistic package to turn Malaysia into a developed and high income earning nation by 2020.
In order to make it a reality, the people must respond and support it because the actual beneficiaries are the people themselves, he said, adding that the Kadazandusun and Murut people must respond to the government’s initiatives to develop the nation and the people.
According to Maijol, what was meant by ‘respond’ was that the people must understand what the government is doing and our part to make it work.
“We can do our part by working harder in whatever we are doing, and being smart in seizing opportunities in whatever the government has made available for the people.
“There are various opportunities given by the government in the agriculture sector, small and medium entrepreneurship, training to acquire new knowledge and skill, enrolment to colleges and so students must also strive hard because getting good education and training is one of the ways to come out from poverty,” he stressed.
In his speech, Maijol also accorded his gratitude to the state and federal bovernments for giving high recognition to the Harvest Festival, by declaring it a national event.
In an unrelated issue, he urged the government to expedite the long awaited irrigation in Kampung Damai, Kota Marudu for the benefit of the paddy farmers there.
The government has promised to build it sometime ago but until now, there is no sight of it, he lamented
Doi dogo, macam ketakutan pula dia dengar tu lagu..hehe. Sekadar hiburan ja baitu, luahan perasaan dan pendapat peribadi si penyanyi dan tidak semestinya mewakili majoriti masyarakat KDM (but I appreciate his concern).
Let me see...'defeatist' ni something like mudah beralah, mudah kalah, mudah tewas, mudah gagal (ada mo tambah lagi?).
Credit The Borneo Post online.
duii giaa..seriuss jg tu datuk..sa setuju sma c dBos,lagu tu hiburan semata2 bh..lgpun teda salah juga kerja kg bh..bg sa lagu tu cuma bawa maksud 'lelaki tu bimbang sumandak dia susah if dia pilih lelaki yg kerja kg2 jak..yala kan kbnyakan sumandak2 zaman sekarng mau cri tanak wagu yg kerja opis ,bandar2,kreta basar,bergaya..xmau yg ptung2 gatah jak..bau dia blg.hehehe:p
ini datuk ini terasa tersindir bah sebab dia itu kaya..dia teringat anak perepuan dia yg begitu..perlu diingat bukan semua urang bernasib baik dapat kerja bagus, dapat sekolah tinggi2 dan dapat mengubah hidup.. bagi saya ini lagu betul2 mewakili hati banyak lelaki yang senasib di sabah.. malah betul2 ada yang cerita hidup dia begitu.. dan keadaan hidup yang permanently poor bukan tidak mau lari dari kesempitan tapi begitulah nasib pada kesekian masa berperasaan begitu.. tiada langsung kaitan motivtional atau non motivational lagu ni.. bagi saya yg terasa kesan negatif tu hanyalah mereka yang terasa tersindir.. kesimpulannya..mama mama papa papa yang ada anak lawa itu jangan jual ank mahal mahal cian kami yng putung agatah inda tentu pendapatan ni.huhuhuu
defeatist = cepat putus asa
to me ada pro and contra but the song is still entertaining...mangan nopo do hiburan bogia datuk hehehe
Okk Sodomon terima kasih atas komen diatas,,, saya thu untuk nak lebih maju kena ada penidikan maju n tinggi n satu transfrmas prlu ada kerah khDiupn yg jauh lbih baik harus ada pd diri stiap individu tetpi stu perkara yg datuk lupa ialah..walau setinggi melangit ilmu kita nmun akhirnya kita akn prgi ketmpt asl sumber asas manusia..itulah padi >beras>nasi... lagu itu bg sy tidak ada kaitan mn2 pihak ttpi cuma hiburan semata2..dlm tak sedar pemilik lagu tlah brjya dlm carearnya sbgi seorng penyanyi n penghibur. beliau tlh meningkatkan ekonominya sndiri kerananya tlh brjaya mgkhuss dlm sstu krjaya.. hasilnya kita boleh lihaT sdiri.. kita kena fhm apa mksud sbnr ekonomi... iaitu 1 sstem yg mgkaji tingkah laku manusia dlm mgunakn sumber2 yg terhad utk mmenuhi khndk2 yg tidak terhad.. bg pndpt sy inilh yg telah dilaku oleh pemilik lagu ni. dia merebut n mncari peluang yg ada... SIAPA PUN KITA , APAPUN LATAR BELAKANG PENDIDIKAN KITA, CUMA SATU YG INGIN DIKECAPI IATU DUIT.... pendidikan tinggi, dpt kerja baik, gaji lumyan, yang PASTI DUIT....... kita kena lihat apa yg telah dicapai oleh pnyayi itu bknya kita melihat apa yg terkandung dlm lagu itu... kalo kita cuma menilai apa yg trkandung dlm lagu itu lagi banyak lagu yg tidak brunsur motivasi......mohon maf agak kasar... tp itulah negara demokrasi..
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