Mari kita dengar sebuah lagu yang kreatif dan tidak kurang uniknya, saya bilang kreatif sebab manalah terfikir lampu trafik pun boleh dijadikan lagu kan!...:). Lagu yang dimaksudkan tidak lain tidak bukan berjudul "Lampu Hijau" hasil karya kumpulan Senyum dari Keningau (wah pencabar Nokuro 29 ka ni). Mau tau lebih lanjut pasal durang visit ja MySpace durang di sini.
...hari tu dalam posting pasal si Mia, I mentioned about being a pioneer as female singer-songwriter in Malaysia (normally singing with the guitar or any other musical instrument). Somebody emailed and recollects my mind about a lady by the name of Prema Lucas (not a Sabahan). Ok thanks, I remember her now, it's just that the name didn't come across my mind when I posted the entry. She's on the scene back in 1997 long before Mia, Zee Avi, Yuna and now Ana Rafali came into picture. Too bad she didn't see her future here and moved to London in 1999 (adalah nanti yang ikut jejak langkah dia ni gara-gara tiada sambutan di Malaysia..hehe). To me she's a singer with such a huge talent but sadly quite under rated, lagi-lagilah time tu Siti Nurhaliza tengah meluap-luap and seen as the only singer we have in Malaysia *LOL* (the rest was almost ignored).
This is "Alive Again", one of Prema's hit songs from her first album (Hitz TV should've played her video more often).
She released her second album recorded in New York last year (a gap of about 10 years from her debut album)
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