Selama ini pun AF memang terkenal sebagai program realiti yang menganiaya, tapi rasa saya AF8 kali ni mungkin musim AF yang paling menganiaya. Menganiaya harapan pelajar serta pengundi pelajar. Semuanya bermula di minggu kelapan sebelum diumumkan secara rasmi AFMASUK (or shall I call it AFANIAYA). Memang tidak terkejut langsung pun bila AFMASUK diumumkan. Cuma yang buat ramai pihak bengang timing AFMASUK kali ni diumumkan seminggu awal. As if they were really in rush to kick out Farina, they didn't even wait for the following night (Debaran AF) to announce her elimination...menyemak ja ko Farina baik ko blah ...very much betraying her loyal voters. To be fair, the least AF8 should do is wait until Debaran AF. I believe most of Farina's fans or voters were off guard on that particular night as they probably thought of another 24 hours or so to vote.
And last night the most betrayal moment in the history of AF took place, Ain another hopeful was shooed off but unlike those who had been kicked out before, there's no AFMASUK or second chance for her...a big round applause to AF8! (But some people speculate or rather dreamed of another 'kejutan' that Ain will be included in the final..they believe what happened last night was just a gimmick?? Ya kah!?)
Here's Adira performing my favourite Mercy. Vocal wise, projection and things like that are not bad, she improves a lot, just lack the proper emotional expression I think. Instead of frustratingly pleading she appears more a less happily seducing..or that's how she begs...hehe.
And last night the most betrayal moment in the history of AF took place, Ain another hopeful was shooed off but unlike those who had been kicked out before, there's no AFMASUK or second chance for her...a big round applause to AF8! (But some people speculate or rather dreamed of another 'kejutan' that Ain will be included in the final..they believe what happened last night was just a gimmick?? Ya kah!?)
Here's Adira performing my favourite Mercy. Vocal wise, projection and things like that are not bad, she improves a lot, just lack the proper emotional expression I think. Instead of frustratingly pleading she appears more a less happily seducing..or that's how she begs...hehe.
Atukk nah!...punyalah gigih penduduk Kg. Pinousuk mengundi..hehe.
Beginilah keadaan kereta Stacy yang dipandu oleh abang dia si Chelton dan kemalangan seminggu lepas. Tayar dan bateri kena curi menurut laporan.

Maka timbullah spekulasi yang bukan-bukan keadaan sebenar abang dia masa memandu hari tu...maklumlah kejadian berlaku awal pagi Ahad, cuma laporan berita tidak nyatakan abang dia dari mana.
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