laporan terperinci.
(arrggh...tiada melanggan pula saluran ni).
I'm keping my fingers crossed for some foreign movie makers out there (Mel Gibson kah atau Russel Crowe both Aussies - almost all victims are Aussies) to turn this tragic event into a Hollywood movie :-)
Talking about rancangan TV ni terutama yang melibatkan tragedi or disaster, the movie "2012" made its debut on HBO on 31 Oct. I watch it dutifully including the repeats (haha). One question in my mind, "how do we in Sabah cope with the situation?" (we are somewhere on the other side of the planet during all the actions in the movie, right?). Too bad the movie didn't show the situation on this region. A glimpse of a simulation map in that movie shows we were badly inundated with big waves...die lah! Rupa-rupanya projek empangan raksaksa di China tu kononnya projek rahsia pembinaan "Noah's Ark" untuk menyelamat umat manusia (yang mampu ja ok..yang ada USD 1 billion...*LOL*)

2012 is just around the corner. Is the present situation in Indonesia suggesting something terribly bad awaits us ahead? Palis-palis...
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