Beware! Extreme sadomasochism is wandering around freely
Beberapa hari lalu negara sekali lagi dikejutkan dengan berita kematian seorang kanak-kanak yang dibunuh sebegitu kejam. Cukup berat mata memandang dan macam tersiat-siat pula hati membaca laporan tersebut. You all pun taukan how she was murdered and what sort of objects involved (hmm...yang si gila guna sayur-sayuran tu apa hal pula? Is he turned vegetarian? Tiada benda lain kah mau guna?) Sampai adalah juga orang yang phobia bila nampak timun. Berfikir dua kali juga mahu beli tu acar timun. Thank goodness I don’t eat brinjal at all. When I read about the poor child’s description (as released by police). Her height of 1.5 m, is considered tall for the estimated age between 6 and 10 years old (some reports say 6 and 9). Si Mila AF5 1.48 m ja tinggi dia (oops tersebut pula nama si Mila!). Initial investigation said the girl is probably a foreigner...salah satu bukti ialah bilamana tiada tanda kena jarum vaksin di bahu dia (terus mengkali kamu check bahu kamu masing-masing tu kan..hehe…ada tandakah? Hang on...maybe this is another good way to check PTI in Sabah). Back to this extreme sadomasochism as criminologist call him. If he happens to be the same person who murdered the other two victims before (age 5 and 6) with similar nature, the police should triple their efforts to nab him (apalah polis ni!) otherwise nanti si Mila AF5 pun jadi mangsa (palis-palis…oops si Mila lagi). Modus operandi si gila ni kan, mula-mula dia pura-pura tanya si mangsa pasal kucing dia yang hilang before asking the girl to accompany him to look for his lost cat (harap-harap saya tidak phobialah nampak kucing lepas ni) So ladies and gentlemen, it’s high time to educate our little girls not to entertain anyone yang tanya pasal kucing...”ingat tu kalau ada orang tanya pasal kucing hilang…terus lari sekuat tenaga! Pa’am?!”. Another disturbing fact concerning this case is the CCTV. Why do CCTV always produce crappy image? Otherwise the police may have already captured the car’s plate number (it is reported that there was this car captured by CCTV about the same time the bag was delivered).
You can find the poor girl’s image released by police for public identification purpose everywhere….I don't feel like publishing it here (kesian betul tengok).
Look mum! No foreign object!
Ini pula kes si brader yang…me…liii…lii..waa…waaa….chhuh!! (siou terberasin) rakan sepenjaranya….sadis!..sadis!! Since no foreign object mentioned, I believe he make full use of his locally intact object! Tapi yang saya hairan…kenapa pula mangsa dia, yang juga laki-laki, tidak terdaya melawan dia ni? lawanlah sikit! Kalau nampak dalam gambar macam kecil saja si brader ni saya tengok….kalau saya sepak sekali, terus terpelanting mengkali!

Malang yang berbau
I said ‘berbau’ sebab si mamat ni macam mencari nahas sendiri. Sudah tau dia tengah driving…yang dia pandai-pandai buat manicure (sambil driving) tu kenapa? Sampai tercucuk dada sendiri… sadis! sadis! Nasib baik tidak melibatkan timun atau terung…entah-entah tercucuk sebatang timun dalam mulut dia.

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