Kalau saya teliti peserta-peserta yang bertanding di konsert akhir, hanya Hafiz dan Isma saja yang saya rasa betul-betul layak bertanding. Aril, Yazid dan Akim terpilih rasa saya lebih kepada pengaruh sentimen yang kuat. Penyampaian ketiga-tiga peserta ini, setakat menyanyi live, sukar untuk dibanggakan. Ketiga-tiganya menyanyi hampir tiada seni dan kemahiran. Yang paling memaksa saya menutup telinga ialah masa Akim menyanyi nada tinggi lagu beliau. Bukannya nyanyian yang saya dengar tapi teriakan secara langsung dari anak tekak. Suara serak dan sasaran nada gagal dicapai...rosak! very bad!. Sama seperti teriakan orang yang cemas ketakutan (yet the audience cheer and the media write "mempamerkan peningkatan dari minggu ke minggu"...what the heck!). But who is the best among the worse three. Vocal wise I go for Yazid, it's not that he has the finest tone but more to less issue as compared with the other two guys. However taking into consideration both the vocal and stage presentation, Aril displayed just a little good quality.
17 May 2009
AF 7 - Carutan terakhir musim ini
Maka berakhirlah Akademi Fantasia musim ketujuh. Walaupun produksi tahun ini secara keseluruhannya tidak sebaik musim-musim lalu, sekurang-kurangnya peserta yang diinginkan menang (Hafiz) akhirnya dinobatkan juga sebagai juara.
My personal ranking: 1.Hafiz, 2.Isma, 3.Aril, 4.Yazid, 5.Akim. Obviously very different from the actual result (1.Hafiz 46% (44% before voting is closed), 2.Aril 22% (22%), 3.Akim 18% (13%), 4.Yazid 9% (15%), 5.Isma 5% (8%)).
The five rejected top 20 were also given the chance to perform. Not a good song choice from Ab. Image wise...err..no comment! Having seen the rest performed...mmm...why am I not surprised over them being rejected. In fact Kelana and Faezah didn't fulfill my expectation. Cabby and Amim showed slightly better performances among the five. Hang on, one person is missing, yupp looks like Lizda didn't show up (reason?)
The nine eliminated talents were also on stage. All the ladies showed great improvements but not the guys. Stacy did perform as well and as usual a solid performance by her, but I would prefer if she wears something different or something unique that distingush her from the dancers. Like she did during the recent ABPBH.
Eventhough the stage is slightly upgraded, the overall setting is nothing much to shout about (well only if you've seen better than that before!). The same goes with the overall production e.g., sound system, lighting etc...perhaps Astro needs to send someone to Fox TV to learn about good production or for budget reason just visit 8TV for a quick study tour! :-)
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