1 Jan 2011

The spot named "Dataran Bandaraya"

Some pictures of the so-called "Dataran Bandaraya" I took yesterday while roaming around (in the rain) at the venue of the 'New Year Countdown Concert'. Yang lucunya masa saya sampai, saya terus tanya salah seorang kakitangan DBKK in uniform, "boss mana tu dataran yang si Musa Aman mo rasmi ini malam?". "Sini laini.." dia bilang sambil hentak kaki dia right at the spot we're standing. Huh...rupanya tempat yang saya balik-balik limpas sebelum ini. I was expecting something big and spacious. Mungkin belum siap sepenuhnya (motif awal-awal sudah rasmi?)

Hmm...a square cum parking lot

Kalau lontar batu terus sampai di laut..hmm

Anjung Senja yang baru..just few meters away from its old spot.
Imagine the money involved just to shift the whole structures...mmm.


Set to be the permanent venue for this type of event...
I mean what's new? (with the old one...hmm)

Hotel bertuah

I'm hoping ugly duckling turns into swan once the whole project completed. Lepas tu, pleaselah no more KK seafront project. Just leave it as it is!


~boy_Mr.K~ said...

best ka event malam tu??
sa x dapat p sbb sa tinggal di kinarut.. xda trnaspot..
lagi pun hujan...

dBOS-fm said...

Ndak rugi juga kalau ko ndak pegi..basah ja kena hujan :=)

Persembahan yg best..Fingerstyle, Nurul, Donna, The Dreamers n yg paling sya suka medley lagu2 Michael Jackson mengiringi tarian modern :). 10.30 kami chiaoo p tempat lain...kami ndak tunggu persembahan c Stacy

zrull said...

motif belum siap sudah rasmi sebab? LOL...

tapi nampak mcm cantik jer. :D