I'm hoping ugly duckling turns into swan once the whole project completed. Lepas tu, pleaselah no more KK seafront project. Just leave it as it is!
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best ka event malam tu??
sa x dapat p sbb sa tinggal di kinarut.. xda trnaspot..
lagi pun hujan...
Ndak rugi juga kalau ko ndak pegi..basah ja kena hujan :=)
Persembahan yg best..Fingerstyle, Nurul, Donna, The Dreamers n yg paling sya suka medley lagu2 Michael Jackson mengiringi tarian modern :). 10.30 kami chiaoo p tempat lain...kami ndak tunggu persembahan c Stacy
motif belum siap sudah rasmi sebab? LOL...
tapi nampak mcm cantik jer. :D
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