"I am pure KadazanDusun, and I have been dreaming of an album for my people. All my singing with AF is in Malay. I have a couple of singles in English. but no album, even in Malay or English,1 wrote the lyrics for three songs, and I wrote one melody for my album, A few of my songs have been written by Asmin Mudi's team, and then arranged by my producer Luke Mason. who is Australian."The album, it's really a Western style: I like the energy of Avril Lavigne, you know, very edgy. So we are doing a couple of songs in that style. Some musicians will be from Australia. Maybe I need to pick a musician from Sabah. a local, its more interesting for me. We've done 8 songs already so we need to make two more,
Paham!? Apa? Mo saya translate lagi :=)

Candy juga melahirkan perasaan gembiranya dapat balik kampung setelah enam minggu berada di rantau orang
"I've been staying in KL a few years, and I haven't been interviewed by people in Sabah for a long time I'm so happy to be back here to see my people, see my
parents. We went out to the kampung and had a lot of tapai. I want to bring
something new into this industry, in Sabah especially, in my language Dusun. If
you hear Dusun songs, it has not developed much.
Wow... confession of a pure Dusun girl gituu...

Oh tidak!
Tapi macam ndak sabar-sabar juga mo dengar album sulung dia ni.
Credit to Bandwith Magazine

azrul mraz:
wowww. candy bangganya kami ngan ko. haha.
i pun x sabar mau dengar lagu2 ni. yeahhhh
berdarah hidung sia tinguk gambar last arrr tidakkk
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