26 Jan 2010

'Tinggallah' by Ateng

Let me present you with this song. It's called Tinggallah by the talented Ateng, khusus untuk mereka yang pernah putus cinta (ko pernah kan?). So kepada mereka yang pernah putus cinta tu bersedialah kamu dengan satu kotak tissue paper, toilet paper pun buli juga (tapi pastikan belum kena pakai). Kertas suratkhabar? Lantaklah! Sudah stand by!? Nah terimalah.

(Versi pendek and low quality ja)

Sedih nggak?. Apa!? Tanak Kampung lagi sedih? Tapi ko tersingut-singut juga kan. Anyway to me this song has very good potential to be popular, good melody, good lyrics and most of all a commendable delivery by Ateng himself (tepukan please!). But on the other hand, my overjoy is slighlty marred by the technical aspects in this song (if you know what I'm saying).

If you want to know more about Ateng just click here