P/s: So my beloved visitors, as you can see I change my template again. I'm upgrading to the new version actually cause the previous template was the old classic and unable to enjoy the new features in blogspot. Not too sure though if this is permanent template...maybe yes maybe no...depending on kerajinan...hehe. All those website links before, will be added back slowly....
your site is the best online magazine (yes, magazine!) for sabah entertainment news. just a suggestion:
tapi inda kisah la layout apa ko pakai, tatap dbos is the best!
Thanks for the complment.
Memang saya dapat template ni dari link tu...hehe. I thought of changing the head banner but the template doesn't allow (it doesn't even allow the changing of font..:( . But maybe later kalau ada masa saya akan buat banner sendiri. I'm actually looking for template related to music
wae,,kasi msuk bh lgu kmu yg bru..
aq mau dgr..
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