2 Jul 2008

Jangan Main Belakang - a new season..:)

LOL...everybody must be very busy and attentively following the news on Datuk Seri Anwar (DSAI). Who can avoid it..:). It's like the new season of a popular drama series entitled "Jangan Main Belakang" starring DSAI, screened ten years ago.

Yang membuat saya tertanya-tanya (dan mungkin juga seluruh Malaysia) semasa mula-mula terserempak dengan berita ini ialah latarbelakang atau kredibilti Saiful Bukhari, individu yang menjadi 'mangsa' kejadian. There are lots of pictures and stories about him on the net and I found this interesting
blog site by one of his campus mates (err...unfortunately the blog has now switched to 'protected' unlike yesterday when it was still open to public). Anyway, artikel dalam blog ini sedikit sebanyak mengimbas kehidupan beliau di kampus (sebelum dihentikan kerana CGPA terlalu rendah). Beliau dikatakan aktif bergiat dalam kampus politik dan diistilahkan sebagai 'musang', gila kuasa dan gila publisiti atau lebih kurang juga mengkali gila populariti...oops! (beliau hanya menjawat jawatan sebagai Timbalan Presiden tapi memperkenalkan diri sebagai Presiden). So basically an individual like this will do anything to let the world know that he is exist.

The next question is, 'is the 'liwat' thing really took place?'. Kalau betul pun, from his physical look he can always protect, defense and fight against such thing from happening to him. 'Where is the will, there is a way'. It's either fight hard against your opponent (biarlah aku mati mempertahankan diri daripada diliwati!) or run and hide yourself in another room (well I'm sure the condo unit has another room or bathroom where you can hide yourself). Lainlah kalau DSAI masa tu sedang mengacukan pistol (err...I mean the real pistol! yang ada peluru...peluru besi) But then I came across this statement by Saiful's uncle

[quote]Ayah saudara Saiful, yang enggan dikenali berkata, Saiful hampir mengambil jalan pintas untuk membunuh diri kerana dia sedar apa yang dilakukannya adalah satu dosa besar.[/quote]

The line "...dia sedar apa yang dilakukannya..." gives me the impression that there was the element of consent here, suka sama suka. So sudah sedar baru menyesal..."alamak terlebih sudah! I just made a big sin...I am sinful!". Instead of just sembahyang taubat (if he does it lah) he went on to make a police report!...:)

I'm looking forward to read a court conversation like this:

Peguam DSAI: Ada dia acukan pistol atau pisau pada awak semasa kejadian?
Mangsa: Tak ada
Peguam DSAI: Kenapa awak tak mempertahankan diri, awak nikan nampak gagah boleh mempertahankan diri...ker atau awak memang rela, nak sangat!
Peguam mangsa: OBJECTION!
