6 Oct 2008

Berita-berita terlepas...

Lama sudah tidak ke ladang...masih pandai kah memegang cangkul?:)

Siapa-siapa yang berbakat tu, tunjukkanlah kehebatan anda, mana tahu ada rezeki. Yang tidak berbakat pula, tidak salah kalau mencuba...well just to prove that you're really not talented...hehe. As for me I reserve my song until KK becomes a metropolitan..:)

Ladies rule huh.

It's not too much to say those performers mentioned above are real artistes. They've been around for years and still continue doing it. They do it not for fame or glamour but for the sake of love doing it. So those youngsters who join reality shows should've done the same just to prove that they really like singing or music (as they claimed). Sebab kalau ditanya "kenapa join blabla?" tiada lain jawapan "err..sebab minat menyanyi". Kalau saya, saya akan jawap "sebab saya mau famous, popular dan glamour!" (hehe)