13 Jul 2007

"Langit Ketujuh" taruhan Rachel

What a terrible day yesterday. I was caught in the heavy rain, in a small roofless kampung boat right in the middle of an eerie dark estuarine river....with no rain coat whatsoever. Nope I didn't go for fishing but got involved in some surveying job with a group of consultants (yupp! for another project by BN!). Eeverything's wet, cash notes etc and worst of all the rain did great damage to my handphone. So much so for a personal headline and back to the comfy of my room...here are some interesting local headlines...

Rachel to sing Langit Ketujuh

All the best to her!! And if you are kind enough you can vote for her by typing LG RACHEL and send to 33737 (via SMS) or 13703 11 (by fix line). You can also interact with her (click here). Bagi kata-kata semangatkah atau bagi nasihat jangan abaikan pelajarankah..hehe.

Of course you can interact with your favourite contestants as well, just click here (in case you don't know). (Hmmm....if only we can interact with Daphne...."is it gonna be a boy or girl?")

Victory at national level...

Size does matter....(when it comes to setting a record, attracting the crowds or photographer...)

Free as a bird! (Only God knows how they feel)

But then one big question left unanswered...WHO DID IT?? On the other hand it's very unfair to the family of the murder victim. Somehow I'm a little bit confuse about our judiciary system. Some drug dealers were let off scot-free and what happened to the accident case in La Salle school three years ago.... an innocent student killed by an underage driver...and the court was something like.... agreed to reject the case?? *sigh!*