The 79th Annual Academy Award, dubbed as the mother of all film awards, concluded yesterday (click here for the full list of winners). As usual I only pay attention to Best Film, Best Actors and Actress (main and supporting roles) and Best Original Song categories. The results were pretty much predictable. We can easily anticipate who will win based on the results from the Golden Globe and the Actors Guild Awards which took place much earlier than the Oscar. There are two interesting facts that caught my attention during the oscar show...Jennifer Hudson's rare victory and the Best Original Song award.
Tuah manusia siapa yang tahu

Tuah manusia siapa yang tahu

Now and then.....(Kiri) Jennifer Hudson megah berposing dengan Oscar yang dimenangi bagi kategori Best Supporting Actress melalui lakonannya dalam filem Dreamgirls. A rare victory for someone who just had a debut in the silverscreen. (Kanan) Semasa berhempas pulas memikat juri untuk dipilih ke top 12 American Idol 3, menerusi pemilihan wild card. Siapa sangka beliau yang hampir-hampir tidak layak ke top 12 American Idol musim ketiga, kini setaraf dengan bintang-bintang Hollywood bertaraf first class. Err...teringin juga mendengar komen dari Simon Cowell, sebab keputusan wild card yang melayakkan beliau ke top 12 AI3, adalah atas budi bicara Randy Jackson (mungkin Simon Cowell tidak nampak X-factor dalam diri beliau very wrong he was...kena kutuk habis pula pakaian tu...hehe)
Climate crisis song wins Best Original Song award!
I never heard of this song before, until the oscar show (probably it has never been played over this region). The title is "I Need To Wake Up" by a Canadian singer Melissa Etheridge. It is taken from the film An Inconvenient Truth, a motion picture all about global warming. It beat four other nominations including three from the musical broadway Dreamgirls. You can watch and listen to it here. (Yupp...wake up people we do have a very serious climate crisis here - glad I found this video!). A very good song indeed! The strong meaningful theme had probably won the heart of the judges.
When are they gonna win?
I'm dying to see the two stars (below) win the oscar. Yupp...i'm talking about "Jack and Rose". Since watching them in Titanic I'm kinda obsess with these two stars. Who can ever forget the line..."you jump...I jump!". Leo is nominated for the third time in academy this year (he was previously nominated once for best actor and once for supporting role), while Kate is receiving her fifth nomination this year (previously earned two nominations each for best actress and supporting actress). Infact she is now holding the record as the youngest (31 years old) most nominated actress! But when are they gonna win? Errrggh...I'm so eager to see them grab the oscar, hopefully in the near future...

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