3 Feb 2009

Statistics for Jan

As usual, comes a new month, let's take a look at the statistics for the previous month. The 10 songs that receive the most number of plays in January are listed as follows (number in bracket is the total number played)

1. The Divine Master - Di Samping Mu (1985)
2. Jiaja - Kura Kura (1554)
3. Felix - Aku Juga Iya (1504)
4. Ridah - Mungkin (1415)
5. Stacy - Gagap (1343)
6. Infinatez - Sayang Kinabalu (1329)
7. Marsha - Kerna (1297)
8. Ebi & Felix - Musafir Di Dunia (1279)
9. Samsen - Ugou (1209) <----punya cepat naik! hehe..
10. Oliver - Masih (1202)

Talking about exposing our songs to the mass, kira not bad juga kan (and since the end of December last year adalah juga pertambahan traffic di sini...panick juga saya macam kena timpa tsunami....takut bandwith tidak cukup!). So guys if you have a new single and wish to promote it here don't hesitate to email me at dbosfm@yahoo.com. Yang belum mixing pun boleh, lagi low quality lagi dialu-alukan......just for the purpose of pre-listening.


SciaS said...

Saya suka tu lagu Jiaja...KURA-KURA

Buli minta ka MP3 dia? hehehe

dBOS-fm said...

Hah siapa yang ada dan bermurah hati!?

song files saya semua dalam format "rbs" (radio.blog.song). Maklumlah mo jimat space (2.5 rbs files equals more a less 1 mp3 file). Kalau streaming pula tdk tersangkut-sangkut